
CAARI Fellowships 2023

Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI)

Deadline: January 9, 2023

Website: http://caari.org/fellowships/

Information for CAARI’s 2023 fellowships, including application forms, stipends, and expectations, is now available at:  www.caari.org/fellowships. Please see this website for more specific information on each award. 

The deadlines for the CAARI-sponsored graduate student fellowships is December 9, 2022, and for all others, it is January 9, 2023.

This year’s  grants include:

  1. Three graduate student stipends offering support for travel to Cyprus and lodging at CAARI.  
  1. Two CAARI/CAORC postdoctoral fellowships that fund a month’s research in Cyprus.
  1. The postdoctoral fellowship in honor of Professor Eddie Peltenburg, that can support a full academic year’s research time on Cyprus. 
  1. Scholar in Residence

Other relevant fellowship opportunities are listed on the Fellowships page as well (e.g., Fulbright).


The Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute


Application Process

Encourage your colleagues, students, and friends to apply for CAARI’s fellowships. Information about each grant, including application forms, stipends, and expectations, is available at: www.caari.org/fellowships.

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