April 21, 2021
The Register of Professional Archaeologists Call for Proposals for Dating Grants extended deadline is coming up at 5 pm EST on Monday, April 30, 2021.
The Register recognizes that the global COVID-19 pandemic has created unique challenges for archaeological research and cultural resource management. Thus, they are offering five $1,000 grants to support individuals and entities seeking professional services for dating archaeological resources.
Any Register-certified archaeologist in good standing with the Register and up to date with their annual dues is eligible, which might include, but are not limited to:
Principal Investigators in CRM, graduate students undertaking dissertation research, and archaeologists working in contexts where financial support is often limited (e.g., historical societies, small museums).
Any professional archaeologist is eligible as long as they are Register-certified.
Any specialty dating of archaeological data is supported by this grant, such as radiocarbon, stable isotopes, luminescence, obsidian hydration, etc. Any dating method that is considered a disciplinary standard is eligible for funding.
How to apply:
Submit a proposal of no more than two pages that addresses: (a) The archaeological dating method for which funding is requested; (b) the research endeavor to which the dating results will contribute; (c) how the endeavor connects to the Register’s Code of Conduct and Standards of Research Performance (https://rpanet.org/code-and-standards); (d) A proposed timeline for the project; (e) a budget and justification for what the grant will support; and (f) what metrics you will use to measure your success. Please supplement your proposal with a one-page CV for the Register-certified archaeologists involved in the undertaking.
All projects must be undertaken in 2021.
The deadline is 5 pm EST on Monday, April 30, 2021.
How to submit your proposal: As a single attachment with the attached cover sheet via email to executivedirector@rpanet.org. Executive Director Dr. Deb Rotman will be happy to answer your questions.
For more rules and application cover sheet download the Call for Specialty Dating Methods Proposals.