March 14, 2014
Earlier this week, the United States and the Government of the Republic of Honduras announced that they have extended the bilateral agreement between these two countries in the continued efforts to protect the archaeological heritage of Honduras from pillage and illicit trafficking. In addition to protecting Honduras’ Pre-Columbian heritage, this new agreement also includes certain ecclesiastical ethnological materials dating to the colonial period on its designated list of protected materials. Effective March 12, 2014, the agreement has been extended for a period of five years.
The AIA would like to thank all of its members who submitted letters to Washington D.C. and CPAC in support of this extension. Public comments are an important part of the extension process, and we are thankful to have such an active group of supporters at the AIA!
For more information on this extension, visit the U.S. Cultural Heritage Center website for Honduras. Visit the website of the U.S. Department of State to view the original press release.