
Gladys Callahan Vocci Justice Lecture

Johns Hopkins University (Homewood) campus, Gilman Hall room 50 3400 N. Charles Street (Gilman Hall 50), Baltimore, United States

Please join the AIA Baltimore Society for the Gladys Callahan Vocci Justice Lecture. Dr. Megan Kassabaum (University of Pennsylvania) will deliver a lecture entitled “Great Wonders of the New World: The Mounds of Ancient North America.”

Dorothy Kent Hill

Johns Hopkins University (Homewood) campus, Gilman Hall room 50 3400 N. Charles Street (Gilman Hall 50), Baltimore, United States

Please join the AIA Baltimore Society for the Dorothy Kent Hill lecture. Dr. Lisa Anderson-Zhu (Walters Art Museum) will deliver a lecture entitled “Love and Death in Roman Athens: The Tombstone of Antaios Meilesios in the Walters Art Museum..”