
Death Comes to Oplontis: Victims of Mt. Vesuvius Reveal Life in 79 AD

University of British Columbia, Buchanan Bld A103 1866 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Numerous urban centers in the Bay of Naples were completely destroyed by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD. Pompeii and Herculaneum are the most famous of these, but other areas were also affected and are less understood, even today, because of their location underneath modern development. The villa complex of Oplontis is one […]

Keep it Secret! Keep it Safe! Hidden Magic and Coffin Construction in Ancient Egypt

University of British Columbia, Buchanan Bld A103 1866 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada

In ancient Egypt, there were many spells, materials, and rituals used to magically protect the deceased on his or her journey to the afterlife. Hieroglyphic spells were painted on tomb walls, magical amulets were placed among mummy bandages, and priests performed lengthy ceremonies to allow the deceased to breathe, to walk, and to be reborn […]