November 9, 2016
by Sophie Will
In celebration of International Archaeology Day, Archaeology Southwest shared the stories of nine of their staff members, detailing “a day in the life” of an archaeologist. Sharing fascinating, endearing, and entertaining stories, these blog entries showcase the diversity of archaeology and its impacts. Below are links and short descriptions of these blogs, don’t miss out on these great stories!
Indiana Jones and the Artiodactyl-Sized Long Bone Shaft Fragment
Karen Gust Schollmeyer, Preservation Archaeologist, details her fascination with artiodactyl-sized long bone shaft fragments, and the future of the study of them.
From writing on communities near Chaco Canyon, to processing collections from the Field School in Mule Creek for curation, to analyzing and cataloging sherds from Cliff Valley, Preservation Archaeologist Katherine Dungan is certainly busy in the field!
A Special Person, Two Places, and My Dog
Bill Doelle, President and CEO of Archaeology Southwest, shares endearing stories of his career in archaeology with his wife on their anniversary, recalling their time in the Valencia site and Romero Ruin, as well as his time with man’s best friend.
Doug Gann, Preservation Archaeologist and Media Specialist shares insight into the Southwest Archaeology Today, how to get involved with the newsletter, and offers advice for newcomers to the field to avoid his plight from the comfort of his own home.
At the Hands-On Archaeology program, Allen Denoyer, Preservation Archaeologist and Technologies Expert, facilitates interesting activities for the community of Oro Valley, Arizona with his team.
Kate Sarther Gann, Communications Coordinator, shares her role in “translating” research into laymen’s terms.
Aaron Wright, Preservation Archaeologist, shares his many tasks in the day-to-day including peer-reviewing, grant-applying and researching (specifically for the lower Gila River project), preparing for a new field project, and remembering why he loves archaeology.
Lewis Borck, Preservation Archaeologist, showcases a hidden side of archaeology: why archaeologists do what they do, and how their personal lives play a part in their work.
Sharing her passion for ceramic petrography, Mary Ownby, Research Petrographer at Desert Archaeology Inc., speaks about her experience with pottery and the prospects of the future.
International Archaeology Day Blog