AIA News

November 5, 2014

AIA Will Now Accept Self-Nominations for Committee Membership

The 2015 committee appointment process is now closed. Click here to apply for 2016 Committees.

The AIA is pleased to announce it will now accept self-nominations for committee membership. The AIA has more than 35 committees responsible for managing aspects of the Institute’s administration and operations, as well as engaging with the broader archaeological discipline. Participating in an AIA committee is a rewarding experience, providing members with an opportunity to serve the organization. Serving on a committee does require some time and effort. However, much committee work is accomplished by phone conference and email to increase efficiency. To learn more about the AIA’s committees, their charges, and member responsibilities, please click here

Most committee appointments will begin on March 1, 2015. Committee terms are for three years and can be renewed at the recommendation of the committee chair. 

Please note: Self-nomination does not ensure selection. Appointments to committees are made by the President, taking into account advice received from committee chairs as well as self-nominations. 

If you are an active AIA Member and interested in participating on one or more AIA committees, please fill out this inquiry form. If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting this January in New Orleans, stop by the AIA Kiosk to talk with staff about AIA committees and complete an inquiry form on-site. 

Self-nominations will be accepted until early 2015. 



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