Interest Groups

Digital Archaeology Interest Group

David Massey,
Kelly McClinton,

The Digital Archaeology Interest Group consists of AIA members with an interest in the use of digital technologies in archaeological fieldwork, analysis, and scholarly communications and in promoting greater understanding of digital technologies to members of the AIA through programs and publications.


David Massey (Co-Chair)

Kelly McClinton (Co-Chair)

Susan Allen

Adam Anderson

Atakan Atabas

Alex Badillo

Matt Baumann

Danielle Bennett

Halil Braho

Erin Brantmayer

Katie Breyer

Deborah Brown Stewart

Joseph Burkhart

William Caraher

Anne Hunnell Chen

Rupert Chen

Jacquelyn Clements

Peter Cobb

Jonathan Coffey

Sheira Cohen

Stephen Collins-Elliott

Leda Costaki

Kevin Daly

Brian I. Daniels

Scott de Brestian

Elif Denel

Shannon Dunn

Nathaniel Durant

Mikayla Fehring

Morgan Ferrell

Emily Fletcher

Maurizio Forte

Emily French

Jon Frey

Bernard Frischer

Chelsea Gardner

Susanne Garrett

Maria Glanfield

Renee Gondek

R. Benjamin Gorham

Ethan Gruber

Gabriele Guidi

Omur Harmansah

Matthew Harpster

Laura Harrison

Sebastian Heath

Giulia Heinritzi

Aaron Hershkowitz

Ryan Horne

Julie Hruby

Bethany Hucks

Julia Hurley

Chuck Jones

Eric Kansa

Sarah Whitcher Kansa

Maggie Knapp

Fotini Kondyli

Elif Kramer

Vivian Laughlin

Sarah Lepinski

Rebecca Levitan

Leigh Lieberman

Antonio LoPiano

Shannon Martino

David Massey

Kelly McClinton

Frank McManamon

Christopher Motz

Matthew Naglak

Smiti Nathan

Jim Newhard

Matthew Notarian

Jesse Obert

Kayla Olson

Colin Omilanowski

David Picker-Kille

Gabriel Pizzorno

Nicholas Plank

David Platt

Dan Plekhov

Eric Poehler

Stephanie Polos

Adam Rabinowitz

David Ratzan

Betsey Robinson

Philip Sapirstein

Caroline Schroeder

Rebecca Seifried

John Sigmier

Tyler Jo Smith

Rachel Starry

Phil Stinson

Lucie Stylianopoulos

Natalie Susmann

Marian Sweeney

Sean Tennant

Jane M. Tully

Ivo van der Graaff

Gunder Varinlioglu

Rhodora Vennarucci

John Wallrodt

Justin Walsh

Chantel White

Alena Wigodner

Benjamin Winnick

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