Overseeing Officer: Kim Shelton, Vice President for Research and Academic Affairs
Chair: Kathleen Slane, (2023-2025) Term 3Staff Liaison: David DeVore, DDeVore@archaeological.org
The Committee will review the fellowship applications and select the recipients for each one. The fellowships currently include the Olivia James Traveling Fellowship, the John R. Coleman Traveling Fellowship, the Harriet and Leon Pomerance Fellowship, the Archaeology of Portugal Fellowship, and the Anna C. and Oliver C. Colburn Fellowship.
Judith Barringer, (2024-2026) Term 1
Hilary Becker, (2021-2024) Term 1
Derek Counts, (2024-2026) Term 1
Robert Tykot, (2023-2025) Term 2
Aleydis Van de Moortel, (2024-2026) Term 2
Katherine Welch, (2023-2025) Term 2