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December 30, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm EST

Penn Museum
3260 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104 United States

This winter, recharge with more in-person family time at the Penn Museum!

Globetrot in a day
With over a million world wonders, it only takes a day to bring your loved ones on a tour across the globe. Get the kids to say hello to the largest Egyptian sphinx in the Americas! Unearth the first cities of the Middle East. Explore the vibrant cultures of Africa, Asia, Mexico and Central America, and so much more!

Explore a new gallery and exhibition
Plus, experience our newly opened Eastern Mediterranean Gallery: Crossroads of Cultures. Don’t miss this multi-sensory gallery highlighting an ancient crossroads that brought us the world’s first alphabet and three of today’s major religions. Also new, and on view in the Lower Level, is U-2 Spy Planes and Aerial Archaeology, an exhibition that invites you to decode the past through declassified top-secret images from the world’s most famous spy plane.

All-day art making, games, story time & more
In between world adventures, pop in to make art and play games throughout the day in our Asia Galleries. At 11 am, head to the Egypt Galleries to hear exciting tales about the principles of Kwanzaa with Paul D. Best, “Our Sun Paul.” Want a close-up of an ancient artifact with a mini talk? Check out the Deep Dig. A trip to the Museum is the perfect getaway for families home or visiting during winter break!

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December 30, 2022
10:00 am - 5:00 pm EST
Event Category:



In-person or Virtual Event


Penn Museum
3260 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104 United States
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