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Event Category: International Archaeology Day

Archaeology Day Fair

Come learn about archaeology with faculty and graduate students in the Classics, Archaeology and Religion and Anthropology Departments! Join us on Lowry Mall and the Museum of Art and Archaeology at the University of Missouri for some fun all-ages educational activities and demonstrations, fieldwork presentations by local archaeologists, tours of the university collections, and a […]

Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East Tours Led by Harvard Students

Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East 6 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge

Available during the Harvard academic year Sundays at 1:00 pm, October 6, 2024–April 27, 2025. See blackout dates.* *Blackout dates: December 1, 2024–January 26, 2025; and March 16–23, 2025. This free tour, led by Harvard students, explores the Mediterranean Marketplaces: Connecting the Ancient World exhibition and how the movement of goods, peoples, and ideas around […]