IAD Blog

January 19, 2012

National Archaeology Day in Colorado

The Denver and Boulder Societies co-sponsored an event at Paleoresearch Institute Inc.

The Denver and Boulder Chapters of the Archaeological Institute of America cosponsored an event that was hosted by Paleoresearch Institute Inc for National Archaeology Day.  Attendees had the opportunity to visit a working archaeological laboratory. Paleoresearch Institute Inc. provides paleoenvironmental, archaeobotanic, and radiocarbon dating services. Participants discovered what happens to archaeological samples once they are sent to an archeobotanic lab where analysts unlock secrets found in soils, rocks, residues, and charcoal. Participants learned about what phytolith, pollen, macrofloral, starch, protein and organic residue analyses, botanical and charcoal identification and analysis, AMS radiocarbon dating, and paleoclimate modeling can tell you about plants that were growing, foods that were eaten, animals that were hunted, and when it was all taking place. Participants learned how to properly collect samples, and which analyses are the most appropriate for your samples and the questions you want answered. Archaeologists were on hand to answer questions, and the Institute provided lab tours and hands-on demonstrations.

International Archaeology Day Blog