IAD Blog

November 1, 2013

New Zealand Historic Places Trust Excavates Fish Ponds

For International Archaeology Day 2013, the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, Fish & Game Otago and Mountain Biking Otago cleared bush and excavated the 1868 – 1885 Opoho Fish Ponds in Dunedin. These ponds are asscoaited with the first succesful acclimatisation and release of Brown Trout in New Zealand, as well as the acclimatisation of six other fresh water fish species. Since New Zealand has no indigenous fresh water “game” fish, these ponds represent the beginning of fresh water game fishing in the country. This event resulted in the revealing of these nationally important 19th century fresh water game fish acclimatisation structures, which will be further managed and then opened to the public to view on the 150th anniversary of the Otago Acclimtisation Society in 2014.

International Archaeology Day Blog