Submitters should note the following AIA policies regarding submissions and presentations.
Enforcement of Submission Deadline
It is the responsibility of all submitters to insure that they submit prior to the August 21, 2022 deadline. No exceptions will be made with respect to this or any of the other deadlines indicated in this document.
Permissions Requirements
All presenters must be sure to obtain proper permissions for their presentations. Each statement must be confirmed by the individual presenter on the submission form. For organized sessions, the session organizer must confirm they have informed all proposed session participants of these statements:
Most of your 400-word abstract should summarize your own work and should clearly state the thesis or conclusions of your paper. Any reference in your abstract to earlier scholarship should be brief and clearly demarcated as such. This can be done either by reference to particular scholars by name, or with such phrases as “earlier scholarship”, “others have argued,” and the like. Plagiarism and other forms of scholarly dishonesty are actionable under AIA Codes of Conduct. Consequences may include withdrawal of the paper from the program.
[ ] I have read, acknowledge and understand the statements above. The abstract I have submitted is my own original work, in accordance with accepted scholarly and professional standards.
If your paper includes unpublished material or data from an archaeological project that you are not directing:
[ ] Check here to indicate that you have received permission to present this unpublished material from the project director or other authority (such as a government authority).
Membership Requirement
Presentation of a paper at the Annual Meeting is a privilege of membership. Presenters, discussants, session organizers, and session chairs must be either a Professional, Retired, Graduate Student, or Undergraduate Student member of the AIA in good standing at the time of the Annual Meeting. Any presenter whose submission is accepted will be notified of his or her membership status, and if it is not current or will expire before the meeting, they will be sent a membership application or renewal form, which must be returned no later than November 15, 2023. Presenters who do not regularize their membership by this date will be withdrawn from the program.
Waiver of Membership Requirement
Exceptions to the membership requirement may be given in the following circumstances:
A presenter or discussant in a colloquium session who is not a resident of either the United States of America or Canada or who is a practitioner in a field whose practitioners do not normally hold AIA membership may request a one-time waiver of the membership requirement, or a session organizer may request it on their behalf. This request should be submitted via the Membership Waiver Application Form, available in the Annual Meeting section of the AIA website. Deadline for waiver application is November 15, 2023.
Registration Requirement
Presenters, discussants, session organizers, and session chairs must be registered by the Early Bird Pre-Registration deadline in mid-November prior to the Meeting. Recipients of the one-time waiver of the AIA membership requirement described in the preceding subsection can register for the meeting at the member’s rate.
Presenter Attendance Requirement
The submission of a proposal and its acceptance represent a commitment from the contributor to read the paper in person at the conference. Those who cannot attend must withdraw their papers no later than November 15, 2022. Failure to do so or, worse, dropping out at the last minute or not showing up at all, will adversely affect future chances for the acceptance of proposed papers.
Ethical Standards Requirement
All presentations made at the meeting must be in conformity with the AIA Resolutions on the Importation of Antiquities. The texts of these documents can be found in the Annual Meeting section of the AIA website. The PAMC will reject any submission that it determines to be in violation of any of these documents.
Submitters/presenters should note, specifically, that in accordance with the AIA’s Resolution Concerning the Acquisition of Cultural Properties Originating in Foreign Countries (1973), the Annual Meeting may not serve for the announcement or initial scholarly publication of any object in a public or private collection acquired after December 30, 1973, unless its existence can be documented prior to that date, or it was legally exported form the country of origin. An exception may be made by the Program for the Annual Meeting Committee if the presentation emphasizes the loss of archaeological context.
Permission to Present Materials
All presenters must verify, by checking a box on the application, that they will receive any necessary permissions before presenting the material in their papers. The phrase “all necessary permissions” includes, but is not limited to, permission to use others’ unpublished photographs and drawings, permission to use images of objects in a museum collection, and permission from field directors to discuss recently discovered material that has not yet been published. In seeking such permissions, presenters should adhere both to legal requirements and to the ethical standards of the profession.
Language of Submissions/Presentations
All submissions and presentations must be in English.
Number of Submissions/Presentations
No individual may serve as presenter or principal presenter for more than one presentation at the meeting. This includes the following categories of presentations: open session presentation, colloquium paper presentation, joint AIA-SCS colloquium presentation, workshop presentation. Individuals should thus make no more than one submission as presenter/principal presenter.
Exception: An individual who is included as a presenter or principal presenter in a submission made for a colloquium session, joint AIA-SCS colloquium session, or a workshop session may also make a submission as presenter or principal presenter for an open session. The two submissions may be identical. If the PAMC accepts the colloquium session, joint AIA-SCS colloquium session, or workshop session in question, it will withdraw from consideration the open session submission made by that individual.
Number of Roles
No individual may serve more than two participant roles at the meeting. Participant roles include the following:
The AIA is North America's largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to archaeology. The Institute advances awareness, education, fieldwork, preservation, publication, and research of archaeological sites and cultural heritage throughout the world. Your contribution makes a difference.