AIA News Blog

August 16, 2023

Two More Listening Sessions Coming Up for IAD!

We’ve had two listening sessions with collaborating organizations for International Archaeology Day so far, and we have two more coming up in the next couple of months. First, we did a meet and greet to introduce ourselves to collaborators and get the ball rolling! Then at our second session, we talked about the pros and cons of different formats of events — most collaborators agreed that synchronous hybrid events are difficult to pull off. However, hosting both in-person and virtual events maximizes impact and makes programming more accessible and successful.

On August 30 at 2 pm ET, we’ll be having another listening session, this time about promoting your IAD events. Remember that one of the first steps is adding your event to the AIA calendar! Register for the session here. Then on September 20, also at 2 pm ET, we’re hosting our final listening session. It will focus on our social media campaign for IAD 2023, #ArchaeoStart, which will highlight the ways archaeologists first got into the field. To register for the last session, click here.

International Archaeology Day Blog