
Archaeology Day at the Frontier Culture Museum

Frontier Culture Museum 1290 Richmond Road, Staunton, VA, United States

Saturday, October 19th is International Archaeology Day, and the Frontier Culture Museum is offering archaeological activities all day! But just what is archaeology and why are we talking about it at a living history museum? Archaeology is the study of patterns of material culture, the tangible things that people made and used. Things that are […]

Archaeology Day at the Frontier Culture Museum

Frontier Culture Museum 1290 Richmond Road, Staunton, VA, United States

Saturday, October 21st is International Archaeology Day, and the Frontier Culture Museum is offering archaeological activities all day! But just what is archaeology and why are we talking about it at a living history museum? Archaeology is the study of patterns of material culture, the tangible things that people made and used. Things that are […]

Archaeology Day at the FCM

Frontier Culture Museum 1290 Richmond Road, Staunton, VA, United States

Experimental archaeology is a key component of living history. Historical documents like diaries and newspapers only give you so much information. Likewise with excavated materials: sometimes you just don’t know what an artifact was used for or by whom. Experimental archaeology allows for scientists to explore the creation methods and use of everyday items, in […]