Twelve Millennia of Agricultural Change in Anatolia
CWY 107 (C.W. "Bill" Young Building) on the Tampa Campus of the University of South Florida Genshaft Drive, TampaMatson Lecture
Matson Lecture
Kershaw lecture
Animals played an important role in Cypriot religion and ritual. Many Cypriot deities were conceived as having animal parts or attributes, animal iconography was prevalent among votive offerings, and animal masks were worn in rituals at some sanctuaries. Perhaps the most dramatic and widespread way that humans interacted with animals, however, was through animal sacrifice. […]
Broneer lecture
Stone Lecture
Tsakirgis Lecture
Lecture: The Kingdom of Dahomey, in the modern Republic of Benin, stands as one of the most comprehensively researched kingdoms in precolonial West Africa. Decades of historical, anthropological, and art […]