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Laboratoire d’archéologie publique / Public Archaeology Lab

Musée régional de Rimouski 35, rue Saint-Germain Ouest, Rimouski, Quebec, Canada

We like to think of archaeologists as diggers who, trowel in hand, extract remains from the ground and describe their context. However, while excavation is the most visible and iconic […]

Archaeology Month at the Alamo

Each week in October, Alamo archaeologists will upload an archaeology-themed post on the Alamo website. The posts will include general archaeology information, as well as details about Alamo archaeology.

The Collecting of Classical Antiquities by the Nazi Elite

Much has been written about Adolf Hitler’s interest in classical antiquity and its appropriation under National Socialism, but the question that has not been asked is: do the rhetoric/propaganda and supposed classical aesthetic match the practice among the Nazis of collecting classical antiquities? In this presentation, Dr. Romano will explore what we know about the […]

Sacred Landscapes in Ancient Arcadia

Dr. Mary E. Voyatzis Professor Emerita of Anthropology and Classics at the University of Arizona The mountainous region of Arcadia, situated in the heart of the Peloponnese, has attracted considerable attention since antiquity. Many ancient authors described the region in detail, describing its rich mythology, unusual gods, numerous sanctuaries, engaging history, diverse geography, and the […]