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Mediterranean Marketplaces: Connecting the Ancient World Exhibition

Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East 6 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States

Much like today, ancient “consumers” were connected to distant markets. Both basic and precious goods from faraway lands “shipped” to royal palaces, elite estates—sometimes even rural households—and technological advances in craftsmanship and commerce transcended boundaries of language, religion, or culture to spread rapidly. Mediterranean Marketplaces explores how the movement of goods, peoples, and ideas around […]

Muchos Méxicos: Crossroads of the Americas Exhibition

Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States

Muchos Méxicos explores Mexico’s rich history as a site of human innovation, creativity and cultural diversity. Featuring Mexican objects from the Peabody Museum collections, this bilingual exhibit tells the story of Mexico as a multicultural and geographic crossroads—one where the exchange of resources, products, and ideas among Indigenous peoples throughout the Americas before the Spanish […]

SASA Mini Reading Group: Politics Past and Present: The (non)Differences

Previous participation and previous knowledge not required. Reading will focus around the Historians Herodotus, Thucydides, Polybius, and Tacitus, with appearances from Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and Seneca. Sessions will be structured roughly chronologically (5th century. Roman Republic, The Pricipate), examining change and continuity in political theory and analysis, considering the parallels with our own times. Participants […]

SASA Mini Reading Group: The Search for the Golden Fleece: Jason and the Argonauts

Previous participation and previous knowledge not required. In Greek mythology, the Golden Fleece is the fleece of the golden-woolled, winged ram, Chrysomallos, that rescued Phrixus and brought him to Colchis, where Phrixus then sacrificed it to Zeus. Phrixus gave the fleece to King Aeëtes who kept it in a sacred grove, whence Jason and the […]

SASA Mini Reading Group: A Brief Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing

Previous participation and previous knowledge not required. Are you curious about how Maya hieroglyphs are read and what they say? Maya glyphs are one of the most visually interesting writing systems in the world, and are still being deciphered today. In this reading group, we will learn about the process of decipherment, how to read […]

Community Archaeology at Amache, Colorado’s Japanese American Confinement Camp

Prof. Bonnie. J. Clark (University of Denver, Department of Anthropology) The forced removal and subsequent incarceration of over 120,000 people of American of Japanese descent during World War II is a pivotal incident in world history. The sites of this confinement are significant resources for both research about and re-engagement with this critical, yet shadowed […]

Archaeology Abridged with Dr. Kate Liszka “Operation Amethyst: How Egyptian Kings and Queens got their Bling 4,000 years ago”

Ontario, Canada

Some of the most stunning jewelry from Ancient Egypt is made of amethyst.  Its craftsmanship, opulence, and design epitomize quality in the ancient world.  Yet the skill in making this jewelry started long before the cutting and buffing of the raw stone.  Procuring amethyst in the Eastern Desert is fraught with many more perils and […]

SASA Mini Reading Group: An Introduction to Ancient Near-Eastern Music ‘Theory’: Understanding Musical Inscriptions

Previous participation and previous knowledge not required. For those new to this subject, the field of “Archaeo-Musicology” is engaged in the study of ancient music informed by archaeological finds. In […]