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Mediterranean Marketplaces: Connecting the Ancient World Exhibition

Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East 6 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States

Much like today, ancient “consumers” were connected to distant markets. Both basic and precious goods from faraway lands “shipped” to royal palaces, elite estates—sometimes even rural households—and technological advances in […]

Muchos Méxicos: Crossroads of the Americas Exhibition

Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States

Muchos Méxicos explores Mexico’s rich history as a site of human innovation, creativity and cultural diversity. Featuring Mexican objects from the Peabody Museum collections, this bilingual exhibit tells the story […]

Tracing Ancient Tunes: Reconstructing the Lost Melodies of Greek Tragedy

Lecturer: Anna Conser (Whitman College) This talk will introduce what is known about ancient music and the music of Greek tragedy in particular. It calls attention to the fact that the plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides were originally musicals, which featured spectacular song-and-dance sequences composed by the poets themselves. Unfortunately, no sheet music or […]