AIA Tours

AIA Lecturer/Host: Stephen Harvey

Since 1993, Stephen Harvey (Ph.D., U. of PA) has been Director of the Ahmose and Tetisheri Project, which centers on excavation of the monumental complex of King Ahmose at Abydos, under the aegis of the Pennsylvania-Yale-Institute of Fine Arts, NYU Expedition to Abydos. Steve’s fieldwork in and around the pyramid complex of Ahmose (ca. 1550-1525 B.C.) has provided important new insight into temple architecture and decoration at the outset of Egypt’s New Kingdom. He has been working on archaeological projects in Egypt (including at Giza and Memphis) since 1987, and has also worked on projects in the U.S., Syria, and Turkey. Steve has been consulted on and interviewed for a number of television documentaries for NOVA on PBS, the History Channel, National Geographic, and the Travel Channel (among others). In 2013-14 and 2008-09, he lectured on the Archaeological Institute of America’s national circuit. Steve has also been a lecturer on many study tours to Egypt sponsored by major U.S. and UK institutions, including twelve AIA tours of Egypt since 2002.

Egyptologist and Director of the Ahmose and Tetisheri Project at Abydos, Egypt

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