
Mr. Abdul Hafiz Latify, Archaeologist, Archaeology Institute of Afghanistan Afghanistan during the Bronze Age: Trade and Cultural Contacts with the Neighboring Regions

Abstract: The Later Prehistoric Period (Chalcolithic/Bronze) research in the region of modern day Afghanistan began in the early part of twentieth century but the general picture of this period in this region remained obscure until the middle of 20th century. Those early phases of researches did not have the Later Prehistoric Periods as an individual […]

Map is not territory: culture-history and archaeology in the Aegean Bronze Age

Pick up any book on early Greek history or archaeology, and you will read about Bronze Age people called Minoans and Mycenaeans. Who were the Minoans, and who were the Mycenaeans? It’s become increasingly clear that these questions aren’t as easy to answer as we might think. These classifications aren’t simply empirical ‘facts’ about the […]

Indigenous knowledge, skills and practices in conserving Great Zimbabwe

Munyaradzi Elton Sagiya, Curator of Archaeology, National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe, PhD candidate, University of Zimbabwe​ World over, Zimbabwe is probably the only country named after an archaeological site – (i.e. Great Zimbabwe). Today, the most outstanding material remains are the stone structures, built without use of mortar or any binding material. This makes […]