Reproduction and circulation, when thought about in the context of money or bodies, appear to be highly gendered phenomena. Intricate connections between different systems of exchange and gender have been […]
New excavations in Turkey have rekindled interest in Hermogenes, the Hellenistic architect whom Vitruvius credits with a number of temple innovations (e.g. the eustylos and pseudodipteros temple types). The recent […]
Biography: Kathleen is a Classical Archaeologist who has worked on sites in Italy, Greece, Albania, and Turkey. In particular, she is a ceramic specialist interested in Athenian figured wares from […]
Bonfante Lecture
Experience an epic day of archaeological events with the family! Activities are scattered across two museums — the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology and the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East — so explore Native North American, Central American, Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Mediterranean archaeology. Throw a spear with a spear thrower. Talk to […]
Hanfmann Lecture
Boegehold Lecture