July 19, 2017
Zominthos Field Notes 2017: Week 2

The excavation of Room 4 and 5 continues for second week. During the removal of the soil a lot of limestones and some schist stones were noticed. On the eastern wall an opening was uncovered (Fig.1). The finds are a few pottery sherds, small pieces of bones, big amount of plaster fragments, a small piece of rock crystal and a steatite seal with architectural motif (talismanic)(Fig.2).
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ROOMS 17 & 55
Room 17, a very large room with a central pillar in the NW part of the building
(Fig. 1), was excavated to the floor level during several excavation seasons in the past. In the NW part of the room had come to light a simple rectangular stone construction, most probably a hearth. Another stone construction had been revealed along the central and north part of the west wall, namely a humble wall. During the first week of this year’s work in the room, the excavation of the floor layer was continued in the southern and central part of the room
(Fig 1-2). It is a heavily burnt layer which yielded until now only a few finds, mainly a number of small vases (conical cups and an incense burner). In the SW part of the room came to light the southern part of the stone construction of the west wall
(Fig. 2). In the SE part of the room the threshold of a doorway leading to the adjacent small Room 55 was revealed
(Fig. 3).
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The excavation of Room 32
(Fig.1) continues revealing some stone slabs, probably part of the destroyed paved floor. An earlier phase wall is discovered at the north eastern side of the room. Apart from some pottery sherds and animal bones, a stone grinder, a part of a rhyton vase and a sherd with applied relief decoration
(Fig.2) came to light.
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During the second week, was revealed the whole staircase
(Fig.1) which leads from the Room 37A to the threshold of the Room 47A, with three stairs in total. It was also excavated a terraced construction at the east side of the stairs, with clay-earth at the foundation and it’s upper level
(Fig.2). This construction consists an extension of the east wall of the Room 47A. Several conical cups
(Fig.3), a well worked piece of rock crystal
(Fig.3,4), animal bones and pieces of burnt wood were collected.
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During the second week, was excavated a layer with lephida-earth, clay-earth soil and several limestones and schists slabs, which belong to the floor from the upper storey
(Fig1). At the east entrance between Rooms 39 and 37A, were also revealed probably a pilaster and a beam end
(Fig.2). Pottery sherds, cups, parts of a jar with corded decoration, a group of small vessels, a tile, animal bone fragments, a raw small part of rock crystal and several pieces of burnt wood were collected.
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During the second week of the excavation of Room 45 (which is located on the southern part of the Central Building of Zominthos-south of the Rooms 41 and 42), stones that indicate the presence of a wall came to light at the southern area of the room. It is the same wall as the one in the southern area of Room 46 and helps a lot with the delimitation of Room 45
(Fig. 1).
The excavation of Room 46 (which is located on the south side of Room 40) brought to light two walls
(Fig.1). A wall with direction from North to South, length 3,20m and width 0,80m was found at the western area of the room, continuing to South until it meets another wall, the southern wall of Room 46 (a common wall with Room 45) of almost 7.70 meters length and 0,80m width.
During the second week, the excavation’s works focused in the central, west and east wing of Room 47 in an attempt to investigate the separated walls which are largely ruined due to the earthquake of ancient years
(Fig.1). Finds included a Minoan seal which depicts a lion
(Fig.2), a needle with two shells nearby
(Fig.3) and three vases
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This week the excavation continued in the Area 57A. A vertical wall with direction NW to SE was discovered
(Fig.1). The wall has a length of 2.74 m. and a width of 0.80 m. The whole area was plenty of ceramic parts from different vessels in shape and dimensions: roof tiles and parts of different other vases, like pithos and small conical cups. An almost complete ceramic wheel
(Fig.2), some bones and a small piece of rock crystal were also collected.
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