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Digging the Past Archaeology Day

Campus Martius Museum 601 2nd Street, Marietta

October is Archaeology Month in Ohio and we plan to celebrate! Not only will we be exploring archaeology, but we will also be looking at different aspects of geology and changes to the earth due to erosion, sedimentation, and deposition. This program is great for any student or adult interested in Archaeology! Campus Martius will […]

Archaeology Day Discussion with UnArchaeology

Join us on the UnArchaeology Discord server for a casual, clubhouse chat with the UnArchaeology team and Dr. Lewis Borck, as we discuss Neurodiversity, Anarchy and Archaeology, and Information Sharing.

Boott Cotton Mills archaeology walk

Lowell National Historical Park 115 John Street, Lowell

Guided tour of the existing Boott Cotton Mills site, standing structures (factories, boarding houses) and landscape. Tour begins at Boott Cotton Mills Museum at Lowell National Historical Park, 115 John […]

Lamb Spring Tours & Atlatl Toss

Lamb Spring Archaeological Preserve Littleton

In conjunction with the Archaeology Expo being held nearby, (, the Lamb Spring Archaeological Preserve (LSAP) will host talks and tours with atlatl tossing starting at 10:00 and 11:00am. LSAP is an internationally significant archaeological site containing bone beds of extinct Ice Age animals and artifacts from later human occupation. Extinct Ice Age animals found […]

Mesa Grande Cultural Park seasonal re-opening on International Archaeology Day

Mesa Grande Cultural Park 1000 N. Date (corner of Date and 10th Street) Arizona 85201, Mesa

Mesa Grande Cultural Park is celebrating a special seasonal re-opening after a two-year hiatus, which coincides with International Archaeology Day this year! Come celebrate with us and enjoy our exhibits […]

Weedon Island International Archaeology Day

Weedon Island Preserve Cultural and Natural History Center 1800 Weedon Drive NE, St. Petersburg

Celebrating the type site of the Weeden Island culture of southeastern United States in the Tampa Bay Region, experts will discuss, demonstrate, and educate on the cultural resources used by […]

Open Archaeology

Newlin Grist Mill 219 S. Cheyney Rd., Glen Mills

A number of ongoing excavations at a historic grist mill complex will be avialable for public viewing. Due to health and safety concers, the public will not participat in the […]

Archaeology Day In The Santa Monica Mountains

Anthony Beilenson Interagency Visitor Center 26876 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas

10:30 AM–Native Songs & Stories Ted and Dennis Garcia, Chumash elders Chumash Native American elders Ted and Dennis Garcia lead a blessing followed by an indigenous story and song program. […]

Arch in the Park

Los Peñasquitos Ranch House Canyonside Park Driveway, San Diego

The San Diego County Archaeological Society (SDCAS)'s celebration of California Archaeology Month and International Archaeology Day is held on the 3rd Saturday in October as part of our annual Arch […]

International Archaeology Day

USA Archaeology Museum 6050 USA Drive South, Mobile

Visit the University of South Alabama Archaeology Museum to celebrate International Archaeology Day, Saturday, October 16th. There will be flint knapping demonstrations, atlatl throwing, as well as Native American and […]

American Indian Festival

Patuxent River Park 16000 Croom Airport Rd, Upper Marlboro

Join state and local archaeologists at the 13th annual American Indian Festival at Patuxent River Park. Discover the rich and diverse culture of Native American Indians through dancing, crafts, storytelling, and hands-on archaeological activities like flint knapping, pinch pot making, and artifact identification.

Fort Daniel Frontier Fair

Fort Daniel 2505 Braselton Highway (124), Buford

The annual Fort Daniel Frontier Fair will be held Saturday, October 16, 2021 on the grounds of historic 1813 Fort Daniel in Buford, GA. Featured events are the ongoing supervised […]


Muzeum hlavního města Prahy / City of Prague Museum Bohdanečská 259/1, Praha 9 – Vinoř, Prague

Enjoy free admission for a day filled with special activities for the entire family: guided tours of the permanent display Prague-Vinoř in prehistory, weaving, medieval games, a medieval seal making […]


Archeoskanzen Březno Blízko Březno u Postoloprt, Louny

Archeologické přednášky - plavba českých archeologů na monoxylonu , život lovců a sběračů na našem území. Pravěké dílny - výroba štípaných a broušených kamenných nástrojů Pravěké bubnování Pravěké vaření Program […]

Event Series Berry site “Dig Day”

Berry site “Dig Day”

Berry site Henderson Mill Road, Morganton

Volunteers are invited to join in the excavation of the Berry site, located outside of Morganton, North Carolina. Berry is the location of the Native town of Joara and the […]


Michael C. Carlos Museum 571 South Kilgo Cir NE, Atlanta

Archeology-centered festival organized by the Ancient Mediterranean Studies program at Emory University. The festival will include talks by Emory faculty on topics related to Mediterranean archeology as well as a keynote speech by Dr. Steven Sidebotham from the University of Delaware. Lunch and interactive activities will also be included.

A Big Golden Smile that Seems Eager: This is Athienou

TBA (Central Carolinas 1) Davidson

This lecture is part of the all day symposium in honor of Michael K. Toumazou.   More info and Zoom registration link available here:

International Archaeology Day at The Presidio of San Francisco

Presidio Officers Club 50 Moraga Ave, San Francisco

​​Help Presidio Trust archaeologists celebrate International Archaeology Day with a variety of activities and events for all ages. See 200 year-old standing adobe in the Presidio Officers’ Club, meet our […]

Archaeology Fair

Marquette Regional History Center 145 W Spring Street, Marquette

Saturday October 16, 2021 11:00 - 3:00 pm at the Marquette Regional History Center (MRHC) International Archaeology Day is celebrated world wide on this day. Spend a fun afternoon learning about local and global archaeology through activities, demonstrations, artifacts and displays at a wide variety of interactive booths throughout the museum. We are thrilled to […]

Joint Archeology Day and Junior Ranger Jamboree

Arlington Lawn 369 Central Ave, Hot Springs

This family-focused day will highlight the importance of archeology in parks and will be full of hands-on activities, archeological displays, opportunities to get dirty, hands-on workshops, and guided hikes, and […]

Interactive Bridging Time: Exploring Saskatoon’s Hidden Heritage

City of Saskatoon Traffic Bridge, Saskatoon

Join us at a variety of locations throughout the City on Saturday, October 16, 2021 to learn more about the archaeological heritage of Saskatoon. Visit our event page ( to […]

Through the ages around the world with clothes on the back

Muzeum Górnośląskie w Bytomiu pl. Jana III Sobieskiego 2, Bytom

There’s no International Day of Archeology last year because of lockdown. This year we’re going to repeat that event within the walls of our museum. The subject is as close […]

Ancient Egyptian History: Why Bother?

For those of us who are fascinated by the ancient history of Egypt it seems normal that the subject is taught in universities worldwide, but this may not be true […]

International Archaeology Day at Poverty Point World Heritage Site

Louisiana Public Archaeology Lab 2204 Johnston St, Lafayette

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette Anthropology Society presents: "A Student's Experience in the Field on the Coushatta Archeology Project" Louisiana Archaeology Month Presentation by Garrett Crunkleton "I will discuss […]

Did you ever wonder how tools were made in the Stone Age?

International Center, BrockUniversity 1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way, St Catharines

Learn about flint-knapping with local expert Dan Long. Saturday, October 16th at 3 pm. This International Archaeology Day event sponsored by the Niagara Peninsula Society will be held outdoors in […]

National seminar on archaelogical importance in present era

National seminar on importance of archaeology in present era Jabalpur, Jabalpur

The members of Nigranth centre of archaeology and Digamber jain tirth sanrakshan mahasabha jointly organises the event on international archaeological day 16th October 2021. key speaker: Professor Lakshmi Chand Jain […]