Werner Herzog’s new film is a 3D documentary focusing on some of humankind’s earliest and most extraordinary paintings.
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View a photo gallery and video clips from the Archaeological Institute of America’s 2011 Spring Gala, which took place on April 26.
Media coverage of the AIA Spring Gala
From the moment guests began arriving at the Archaeological Institute of America’s Spring Gala, the warmth of Ireland’s hospitality seemingly reached across the ocean.
The Archaeological Institute of America and the US Committee of the Blue Shield call on the international community to protect the ancient sites and antiquities of Libya.
I’ve just returned from Afghanistan but I wanted to write one final blog regarding the burning of the Koran by the Florida minister last month.
I’ve combined my last two days in Afghanistan into a single entry. Friday, we left Ghazni by helicopter for Kabul. Saturday, I had a meeting with Dr. Ashraf Ghani.
Thursday’s events fell into three groups. In the morning we attended the opening of a girls’ school in Ghazni that had been funded by the U.S. Embassy and implemented by the Ghazni Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in conjunction with the Ghazi Department of Women’s Affairs.
Today was devoted exclusively to a tour of the ancient monuments of Ghazni, which stretch from perhaps as early as the Achaemenid or Persian period to the Timurid period in the early 16th century.
Early this morning we boarded a military helicopter and flew to Ghazni, nearly 150 km to the southwest of Kabul.
My second full day in Kabul featured two highlights: a visit to the Kabul Archaeological Museum and a lecture at Kabul University.
C. Brian Rose, former President of the Archaeological Institute of America, shares his observations about Afghanistan during his current trip.
Dr. Donny George, the former General Director of the Iraq Museum in Baghdad, who did so much to defend its collections in the wake of the ouster of Saddam Hussein, died while visiting Toronto on March 11.
In response to the recent reports on the situation in Egypt the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) released a joint statement.
Dear Friends of AIA, What is the Norton Legacy Society? Simply put, it is a means of donating to the AIA a portion of your estate upon your death. […]
From February 2nd to 8th over 10,000 votes were cast online in the AIA’s first ever Excavation Outreach Contest.
As you know, we face a tough fight this year to defend federal funding for the humanities. With budget cuts to the NEH looming, it is imperative that Congress hear from humanities advocates now.
We call on Egyptian authorities to do what they can to protect the irreplaceable archaeological and cultural material in their country. We applaud the Egyptian people for doing whatever they can to ensure the safety of sites, museums, and cultural objects.
The undersigned cultural heritage and archaeological organizations express their concern over the loss of life and injury to humans during the protests in Egypt this week. We support the desire of the Egyptian people to exercise their basic civil rights. We also share their concern about the losses to cultural heritage that Egypt has already sustained and the threat of further such losses over the coming days.
Archaeology enthusiasts, many of whom adore a good glass of wine, came out in droves in San Francisco on Tuesday, January 25, to explore the Australian island-state of Tasmania.